Our heart is to serve
By serving we can show the love of God and restore value to people.
By serving we can show the love of God and restore value to people.
Decades of war have displaced close to a million people in Southeast Asia – into areas where less than 2% of people have heard about Jesus. Many families are stateless and have no access to basic things like food, shelter, healthcare, education, work and the Gospel. This has led to human-trafficking, slavery, a booming sex-trade industry, drug abuse, child-soldiers, hopelessness and systems of oppression.
Decades of war have displaced close to a million people in Southeast Asia – into areas where less than 2% of people have heard about Jesus. Many families are stateless and have no access to basic things like food, shelter, healthcare, education, work and the Gospel. This has led to human-trafficking, slavery, a booming sex-trade industry, drug abuse, child-soldiers, hopelessness and systems of oppression.
Our work starts with a bowl of rice, then continues with a buffet of love. Of course we will do what we can to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and help the needy, but these are temporary solutions. Our main goal is to share the Gospel through our work. The Gospel offers love, hope and dignity to the oppressed. It offers heart-change and reconciliation for the oppressor. Long-term change will never happen without this.
“Whatever you did for someone overlooked or ignored, you did for me (Christ).”
“Whatever you did for someone overlooked or ignored, you did for me (Christ).”
We need to learn to be effective. So, we will take time to learn the language, culture and best-practices for helping long-term.
We will take every opportunity we have to share our faith, skills and resources to give value to others.
God works through relationships. Pray that God will connect us to a good community and people that can affect change. We can’t do this alone.
Venture has existing programs, partnerships and missionaries in Southeast Asia. Our family will help develop Venture’s programs there by investing our time and resources.
We want to help stateless people gain citizenship so they can have rights, receive an education, work, and provide for their families.
Through art we hope to teach street kids about their creator (God) and that each person is uniquely designed for a purpose. We hope to teach graphic and web design, photography, traditional arts and more.
Many stateless people living in Southeast Asia do not have opportunities to work for fair wages and provide for their families. By working with local leaders and organizations we hope to start businesses with migrant and refugee workers.
“There are many in the world dying for a piece of bread,
but there are many more dying for a little love.”
“There are many in the world dying for a piece of bread,
but there are many more dying for a little love.”
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